Workshop: Best Practice, 26 februari 2025
Tid: Onsdag 26 februari kl. 13-16
Plats: StoraEnso, Gävlevägen 1, Skutskär
Vi vill bidra till kulturförändring i processindustrin. Här samlar representanter från industrin samlas till ett gemensamt workshopparbete med syfte att utbyta erfarenheter och samsynka riktningen för industrins digitaliseringsarbete.
Vi bjuder på inspiration med Emanuel Karlsten, journalist. Programledare, krönikör på Göteborgsposten och Breakit. Rådgivare och föreläsare på digitala medier. Rankad som en av det framtida Sveriges 99 mäktigaste (av TCO 2015-2017), Superkommunikatör (Resumé 2019), tilldelad Stora nationella radiopriser, tredje mest inflytelserika journalist på Twitter (Twitterbarometern), Sveriges mest inflytelserika sociala medier-expert (Twitterbarometern).
Välkomna på workshop
- Presentationsrunda, syfte med dagen
- Vi är del i ett större sammanhang
- Emanuel Karlsten
Why, How & What
Digitala Produktpass
Gruppdiskussioner, på plats och digitalt (
- Vårt nuläge
- Visioner om framtiden
- Demonstrationer industrin skulle vilja se
Sammanfattande avslutning
- Uppnådde vi syftet med dagen?
- Vad händer härnäst?
Arbetet ingår som en del av Digitala Stambanan, IndTech – etapp 3.

Se filmen: Industrial Interoperability Summit 2024
Du kan se hela sändningen från SEIIA:s Summit 2024 som på vår Youtube-kanal.
Mötet är intressant för alla med intresse för interoperabilitet i processindustrin. Eftersom vi bjuder in internationella talare och deltagare är alla presentationer på engelska.
- International collaboration for Digital Product Passport, DPP
Christoph Attila Kun Global Product Manager Digital Data Chain at BASF, Manager Digital Data Chain Consortium (DDCC) - Industrial Data Ontology International Standard, industry use cases and ecosystem – an update
Melinda Hodkiewicz, Professor of Engineering, ISO TC 184 SC4 WG26 committee member - Presentation of CFIHOS 2.0
Peter Townson, CFIHOS - DEXPI and alignment with CHIFOS
Heiner Temmen, DEXPI - Interoperability – Digital collaboration for the built Environment
Peter Axelsson, BIM Alliance - Forward-looking work in SEIIA’s projects right now
Erik Molin, SEIIA - Digitala stambanan 3.0 and work package ”Digital profitability – for the future of the industry”
Erik Molin and Terese Lilliehorn, SEIIA
Moderator for the conference is Mats Larsson, Factory Manager, Plyfa and member of SEIIA’s board.
Industrial Interoperability Summit 2023
At this year’s Industrial Interoperability Summit, we highlighted how we can succeed in convincing the management of our Swedish industrial companies that digitization is not just a buzzword. It is a comprehensive cultural change that requires the management’s commitment and control. Then, of course, you have to ask yourself why you should digitize, but the question is not if but when. The companies that succeed will in the long run gain such great competitive adventives that those who are last in the queue risk being knocked out by excessive costs in their traditional business.
Listen to:
- Robert Skaar, Equinor, About ILAP
- Peter Townson, CFIHOS, On how company management can view CFIHOS and how we can demonstrate effects of CFIHOS
- Henrik Wikberg Vice President Intelecy (earlier at AWS).
Present on the urgency for digitization, the obstacles of going digital in manufacturing and how we overcome them - Monica Hole from Aibel about DEXPI +
- And closing with project status in SEIIA

Industrial Interoperability Summit 2022 arrangerades under mässorna Scanautomatic/Processteknik
- Anders Malmberg från TCG, om ISO/IEC 81346
- Milenija Stojkovic Helgesen från Equinor, om hur man jobbat i Norge med Interoperabilitet
Under senaste 1,5 åren har ett nationellt projekt med förgreningar till Finland pågått som bl.a. tagit fram mallar för enkelt kunna komma igång med CFIHOS - Jean-charles LECLERC från TotalEnergies I Frankrike om hur TotalEnergies har implementerat CFIHOS och kompletterande standarder i flera år.
- Peter Townson från CFIHOS berättde om allt spännande som händer inom CFIHOS
DEXPI kommer vara representerade av - Reiner A. Meyer-Rössl som kommer berätta om DEXPI + och nästa steg i utvecklingen av DEXPI konceptet.
- Gerardo Santillan från Sementum kommer och berättar om deras erfarenheter av Model Broker som underlättar hanteringen av äldre P&ID för konvertering till DEXPI format.
- ISO 15926-14 – Ett nytt spännande projekt. Nils Sandsmark / PCA / Norge
- Från vår Finska systerförening ThTh deltog Arto Marttinen och berättar om deras spännande projekt och hur det nordiska samarbetet har utvecklats.
- Jerker Delsing från Luleå Tekniska Universitet kommer och berättar om Arrowhead projektet.

Industrial Interoperability Summit 2021
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic we have to change our plans about a Face2Face meeting “Interoperability Summit 2021.
SEIIA invited to an open and free of charge online event “Industrial Interoperability Summit 2021” the 17th of March. We report our last project LCDM phase2 and had interesting presentations from our international network of Interoperability associations. We also had a presentation from our biggest reference plant on ISO 15926 the industry standard for Interoperability ESS, European Spallation Source in Lund.
We occasionally had problems with the sound during the webinar, but the material in these links has been edited to some extent. With a limited budget and a fairly newly formed association, you have to do some yourself.
The total session Before lunch and the session After lunch
Welcome/ Agenda / Presentation of Seiia board and the association
Presentation Pilot 1 / Stora Enso / DEXPI
Presentation Pilot 2 / SCA / CFIHOS
Presentation Pilot 3 / Vakin / CFIHOS
Presentation Pilot 4 / Holmen / ISO 15926 – CFIHOS
ESS, European Spallation Source in Lund / Bjorn Fidjeland and Peter Rådahl / Sweden
Alan Johnston / Mimosa / USA
Nils Sandmark / PCA /Norway
Arto Marttinen / THTH /Finland
Per-Erik Martinsson LTU / NIC-EU
During our lunch we were introduced to our members and some have made a presentation that we showed.
Industrial Interoperability Summit 2020
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic we have to change our plans about a Face2Face meeting “Interoperability Summit 2020” 7th of October as planned. But we want to share our experience on our first year as the Swedish Hub for Industrial Interoperability. There is many things that had happened during this first year. More about that we are planning to present as the last item in our agenda.
Swedish industrial interoperability virtual autumn meeting 2020
We start with Peter Townson from the UK and CFIHOS and IOGP. He will make a presentation about that CFIHOS (Capital Facilities Information Handover Specification) is and we also hope that we could launch our collaboration with a signed MoU. SEIIA are running a project (LCDM Phase2) during 2020 and 2021based on the specifications made in CFIHOS.
We will also listen to Arto Marttinen from our Finnish partner ThTh. We both have a lot of process industry and companies with operations in both countries. We have a lot in common.
Look at it on our YouTube Channel

Industrial Interoperability Summit 2019
Den 15 maj 2019 arrangerade SSG och LCDM-projektet (Life Cycle Data Management) en internationell konferens för att uppmärksamma arbetet med att etablera ett standardiserat datautbyte mellan olika stödsystem i en anläggnings livscykel – nästa steg i svensk industris digitala transformering.
Under närmare två år har svensk industri jobbat tillsammans i LCDM-projektet, som har till syfte att hitta lösningar på svensk industriell Interoperabililitet
Projektet är en del av Strategiska innovationsprogrammet Processindustriell IT och Automation (PiiA), en gemensam satsning av Vinnova, Formas och Energimyndigheten.
- Introduction and background to LCDM project
- Prerequisites for digitization of Swedish industry (PiiA)
- Current situation in Swedish industry
- Interoperability in the construction industry
- SIS and ISO
- THTH TIE-project as a part of larger ecosystem project, Finland
- Lunch and exhibition (lunch among exhibitors)
- How Norwegian offshore industry works with ISO 15926, PCA
- USPI-NL / CFIHOS concept, how it works
- DEXPI About the organisation and how Dexpi concept works
- Coffee and exhibition
- Reporting LCDM-Pilot, based on Dexpi specification
- Next phase after LCDM project. ”The Interoperability Change in Sweden”
- Panel debate
- Mingle and exhibition